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The coffee is brewed with water using a plastic syringe-looking ‘piston’ to extract the brew by pushing it through paper filter.

Water temperature: 90 – 92°C

Coffee grind size: Medium

Coffee to Water ratio: 1:12

What you will need:
- An Aeropress (plunger, seal, chamber, filter cap, funnel)
- A paddle
- A grinder
- A timer
- A scale


  1. Rinse the Aeropress and filter paper with hot water
  2. Set up Aeropress by putting the plunger on top.
  3. Place Aeropress on scale, pour the ground coffee into the chamber and tare the weight. Then, add hot water.
  4. Leave the coffee to steep for 50 seconds, then stir using the paddle. Place a filter paper on the filter cap and screw to the chamber.

Place the Aeropress in the inverted style. Start plunging (gently place pressure down on the plunger) and you’ll see your coffee is fully brewed into you mug.

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