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The world’s first ‘Macchinetta del caffe’ (a mini coffee machine) was designed by an Italian called Alfonso Bialetti in 1933. Basically, it’s a pressure-driven espresso maker which is designed for use on a stove.

Water temperature: 90 – 92°C

Coffee grind size: Fine  

Coffee to Water ratio: 1:8

What you will need:

A Moka Pot

A kettle

A stove


  1. Unscrew moka pot and fill the bottom chamber with boiled water to just under the pressure valve.
  2. Fill the central coffee funnel with ground coffee to the top, slightly mounded, and screw back together.
  3. Place the moka pot on stove over a moderate heat.
  4. Shortly, the coffee starts to bubble out from the central spout, releasing the lovely coffee. Enjoy!
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